AMS Advocaten

AMS Advocaten involved in educational project in Myanmar

Last August, AMS lawyer Onno Hennis was in Myanmar where he gave lectures and ...

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Sander Schouten

Directors’ and officers’ liability after a company is wound up in the Netherlands

The winding up of a company generally means the discontinuation of the legal entity. ...

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Sander Schouten

What about evading directors’ and officers’ liability on grounds for exculpation in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands, the directors of a legal entity who do not perform their management ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Is the committee of a Dutch association obliged to issue the list of members?

What can you do as a member of a Dutch association if you want to expose misconduct ...

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Hidde Reitsma

How the Dutch requirement to have decisions made outside the AGM recorded in writing works!

In the Netherlands, in principle, the general meeting of shareholders (AGM) of ...

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Marco Guit

Dutch Supreme Court: no stretching of shareholder’s right to place items on agenda

Some years ago, we discussed the ruling in preliminary relief proceedings between ...

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Sander Schouten

Does an employment contract exist between a director and a private limited company in formation?

A German GmbH (a company incorporated under German law) planned to incorporate ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Does a board’s mismanagement in the Netherlands automatically constitute directors’ and officers’ liability?

If a director makes a mess of a company’s policy and is even held liable on the ...

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AMS Advocaten

AMS Advocaten joins League of Lawyers

AMS Advocaten is admitted as member of an association called League of Lawyers, ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Can Ahold Delhaize deprive its shareholders of their rights to express an opinion on protective structures?

In the Netherlands, protective structures for companies as a takeover defense ...

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Onno Hennis

ING bank terminated relationship with bitcoin broker due to suspicion of money laundering

A recent case before the Amsterdam court in preliminary relief proceedings focused ...

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Marco Guit

Shareholders’ quarrels, what can the Netherlands Enterprise Court do?

Two brothers applied to the Netherlands Enterprise Court for their father’s suspension ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Domain name and trade name violation on the internet in the Netherlands

In the present era of the internet as an entrepreneurial platform, we receive ...

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Marco Guit

Exercising a call option: How does this work in the Netherlands?

A call option is a right to buy the underlying value at a predetermined price. ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Levy execution against shares in the Netherlands? Initiate proceedings!

A creditor who wishes to collect his claim will first have to acquire a title ...

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Sander Schouten

Termination of director’s management agreement in the Netherlands: AMS explains!

After his recovery from illness, a Dutch director wanted to return to work. However, ...

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Onno Hennis

If I win a case in the Netherlands, who will pay my lawyer?

Lawyer Onno Hennis explains the situation in the Netherlands with regard to the ...

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AMS Advocaten

AMS Lawyer Onno Hennis involved in Vis Moot in Hong Kong

Last month, the Willem C. Vis Moot East (“Vis Moot”) took place in ...

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Sander Schouten

The significance of shootout clauses in Dutch agreements

In a ruling of the Dutch Enterprise Court, a stakeholder requested the insertion ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Surrender of TV shows’ hidden camera footage or protection on account of freedom of the press?

The Dutch television show Radar used a hidden camera to scrutinise a telecom provider. ...

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