Thomas van Vugt

Suspension non-competition clause in a franchise agreement

When you start a franchise in the Netherlands, you will probably sign a post-contractual ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Bank in breach of duty of care in the case of excessive lending?

In the current economic climate, more and more people in the Netherlands have ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Director personally liable for debt to creditor?

Creditor X was ordered by the Dutch court to pay more than € 45,000 to a private ...

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Sander Schouten

Prohibition on eviction commercial space in enforcement dispute possible?

In the Netherlands if a judgement has been declared provisionally enforceable, ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Unlawful trademark infringement via Google Adwords

We previously published a blog about an IP action involving the same issue as ...

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Onno Hennis

Golfer hits player on the head with golf ball: liable or own risk?

Golf may seem less dangerous than, say, football, but according to Golf Digest, ...

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Marco Guit

Shareholders’ agreement decisive in conflict

In January 2014, the judge hearing the application for interim relief at the Amsterdam ...

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Sander Schouten

Cocaine-using employee receives maximum redundancy pay

The Court of Appeal, The Hague, took the view that an employee who had taken hard ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Infringement Victoria’s Secret’s trademark rights via

Lingerie company Victoria’s Secret discovered that imitations of their products ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Demand letters: always get proof of delivery!

You can prevent the expiration of a claim by sending a demand letter to the debtor. ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Legal allocation sequence in collection claim

If a claim for payment of an amount of money is not complied with, the claim increases. ...

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Marco Guit

Nonconformity? AMS lists the criteria!

When buying property, the buyer can assume that the property has the features ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Reputation damage: rectification after wrongful messages

The success of a business depends (among others) on its reputation. Reputation ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Record additional redemption loan agreements in addendum!

When entering into a loan agreement, it is important to carefully record in writing ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Actio pauliana: prejudice to lessor by defaulting lessee

In some cases a creditor who is prejudiced in his recovery possibilities by a ...

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Thomas van Vugt

Is a short-term lease of a studio apartment permitted?

Renting out one’s own apartment as a holiday home: is that permitted or not? Many ...

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Marco Guit

Right of suspension not unlimited in case of default by contractor!

If a contractor is in default in the execution of the contracted work, the client ...

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Hidde Reitsma

Damage compensation for claims for trademark infringement

A trademark owner who wants to act against infringement of his trademark rights ...

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Marco Guit

Obligations of the board of management in a joint venture

A ruling of the Supreme Court addressed, among others, the position of the Enterprise ...

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Sander Schouten

When do we speak of violation in the non-recruitment clause?

Employers increasingly choose to have a non-recruitment clause included in employment ...

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