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private limited company ( Ltd.)

A private limited company (Ltd.) under Dutch law is a legal person of which the registered capital is divided in share The portion of registered capital of a private or public limited company
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( share The portion of registered capital of a private or public limited company
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). The shares (stocks) are not freely transferable but are registered on name. Besides, the liability of the shareholders of the company is limited to the value of their shares (stocks).

Dutch private limited company

The limited company is private because the shares are not freely transferable. This is the main difference with a (Dutch) public limited company. In a public limited company (PLC, Inc.) the shares can be easily transferred as they do not have to be registered on name. All companies on share The portion of registered capital of a private or public limited company
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markets are therefore public limited companies.

In the Netherlands, the board of directors of a private limited company is required to keep a register of the shareholders and by how many shares (stocks) they participate in the capital.

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